Best Razor for man | Pearlshaving

Pearl Flexi razor is made for those who believe in quality! There are very few razors which is made of only premium quality components which lasts forever. No ordinary components have been used in this which do have a short life. It is an eternal luxury! As Somethings are once in a lifetime kind of and there is no update after it!



Existing adjustable razors are mostly made of zamak (zinc) alloys. Such zinc alloyed razor heads loose its quality after a time & no longer provides a good shave. While, Pearl Flexi razor is made of only Brass which never fades its quality even after ages.  


Other adjustable razors in the market are made by Molding Process. In this Process, Quality will fade by each piece & there are chances that the quality and accuracy might dim after some batches. While, Pearl Flexi Razor is made from CNC Process, which requires establishment of heavy machinery & It gives same accuracy in each piece processed, FROM TOP TO TOE, thoroughly same quality in every piece processed by CNC.


                Brass is one of the metals that is highly resistant to corrosion and it just won’t rust.  Brass & CNC processed tools are always long lasting than any other metal or process. So, its long life is bigger than the price! Adjustable razors in the market has zamak alloyed heads which has short life. So, if it seems pricy, It’s really not as its benefits outweigh the cost!

Have you calculated yet?

                As CNC process costs much higher, the rate of such things seems high than others. Very few companies in the world make fully brass & CNC processed razor. If you figure out, comparatively we have very low price than them! On the other hand, if you analyze, buying this one time will cost lesser than looking for new razors every now and then!! Calculate precisely & Do not settle for anything less!

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